Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pandemic-2 Game Analysis

Today, I played a game on  This game allowed the player to play in either a realistic mode or a relaxed mode. The game also allowed the player to create a disease to spread around the globe. The disease classes were these following choices: a virus, a bacteria or a parasite. The goal is to spread the disease around the globe before the government finds a vaccine and distribute enough to stop the diesease. Your time runs out when you have not infected enough of the human population. If you infected every country or location of the world, then they would probably die before they couldcreate a vaccine. I chose to play the game in relaxed mode and I chose bacteria as the disease. There were survivors in different areas because those places had already shut down their airports and docks. Since they did that...the disease could not really get far to many other regions. My methods of transmission were through air, water and insects. My initial symptoms were sneezing, coughing, fatigue, pulmonary edemia, dementia, ataxia, depression, blindness and hypotonia. My pathogen slowly evolve by having more and more symptoms. It was resisted to air, heat, moisture and drugs. The difference of choosing a different pathogen is that the rate of deaths increases or decreases, depending on which the one you chose. The results also turned out differently, when you play with a different disease. In the second game, I think the strategy that saves the most people while sacrificing the fewest is to close the border lines, airports and shipyards. You could also give out masks and vaccine to slow the death rate of the game.

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