Saturday, February 22, 2014

Blog 9: Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about why I do or do not support bioengineering. Pick something specific like GMOs and support your position.

Dear Newspaper Editor,
          I support bioengineering. Bioengineering has been used to produce many goods, such as crops/foods. It has the ability to provide foods traits that finally gives us an advantage to our society. By making food healthy, the ability to make crops/foods grow faster, and the ability to make crops/foods resistant to any disease, bugs, or climate change are just a few of the many examples there are that makes bioengineering an advantage to the U.S. government. Many countries do not consider GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) as something safe and would ban them. However, our society allows GMOs because our studies shown by our scientists prove that it is indeed safe. Without bioengineering, our food resources might not be as abundant and it also helps to make our lives easier. 

Cindy Phung

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